Review of Killer Chronicles
Author: Somer Canon
Genre: Horror
Length: 170 pages
Author’s Site: Somer Canon
Amazon Link: Purchase Here

KILLING IS HER PLEASURE She is an ancient primal force of nature, exalted by some and feared by others. Those who heed her capricious whims are rewarded. Those who displease her, however, are slaughtered like the animals she considers them to be.
MURDER IS HER BUSINESS Christina Cunningham runs the website Killer Chronicles, a popular online database of the worst crimes of humanity. Lured to the town of Micksburg, West Virginia by a series of bizarrely gruesome deaths, she hopes that it will be the story that launches her site to the next level. When she discovers what is behind the murders, her ambition and her survival instinct collide as she matches wits with the strange and inhuman being. Is her life or the lives of her loved ones worth the story? “Sexy and violent and funny…deliciously quirky.” – Brian Keene, author of The Rising
What I Thought:
I read Killer Chronicles by Somer Canon IN.A.DAY. Now pardon me while I gush over all the things.
First off, I picked this book off my to-be-read shelf for a number of reasons. If you’ve read more than five posts by me, you know I am a very busy lady. I grabbed this book yesterday because I was smacked with a 24 hour head cold and could do no more than roll around in a body-ache induced stress sleep. So today, feeling much better and uber ambitious I took to the laundry pile and finishing this book. The book did not look too long, the print and formatting made this very easy on the eyes (very important for the millions of times my kids wanted my full undivided attention to pass gas or ask to help put the clothes back on the baby doll). Lastly, and the real reason I got through this story so fast was because it was so good. The breadcrumbs, the PA references (if you haven’t heard, I am absolutely in love with Pennsylvania), and incredibly engaging story.
Talk about a gritty, gumshoe story, Canon really penned a true murder mystery, then effed everything up for the protagonist who solved the crimes long before she can figure out how to explain it herself.
I did not read the back cover blub before diving in, but there was such subtle foreshadow from page one, I never caught onto them until I was supposed to in the story. Then everything came together and crashed down around me.
Lastly, I will note that this is a graphic story. Definitely not for the weak stomached or easily triggered for SV. I normally read “sweet” stories and this is absolutely not one of those.
But if you like mystery, horror, and speculative elements Somer Canon really knocked it out of the park.
About the Author:
Somer Canon lives in Eastern PA with her husband, two sons, and five cats. Her preferred escape has always been reading and writing and horror has always been the hook that catches her attention best. Feel free to find her on social media and never fear, she’s only scary when she’s hungry!
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