Review of Droplets of Magic
Author: Emily Bybee
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: 314 pages
Author’s Site: Emily Bybee
Amazon Link: Purchase Here

Kira’s spells always end the same—rain and violent storms. She’s what’s called a Defect, and that means one of two things in the witch world—losing your magic or death. After faking her demise, Kira is in hiding. She risks exposure and travels the world, making the Defective magic that would get her killed into a gift by bringing rains to places that most need water.
The witch world has changed in the ten years Kira’s been gone. Kira doesn’t know that she has a much bigger part to play against an ancient danger that threatens the entire world. But the witches want her for their own greedy plans. Her only chance to escape the witch council is to hide in areas where her storms go unnoticed. After one last stop in Africa, she plans to disappear again.
But Kira’s past catches up with her and a decade old blood debt comes due. As if being prey to the witch world isn’t enough, her family’s history with the Russian Mafia causes an enemy who was once her childhood friend to hunt her down. She and her only ally Alex—a naïve American—team up to escape the underworld warlord. As Kira’s feelings for Alex grow, she fears he will be caught in the crossfire. To settle this debt, someone will have to die.
What I Thought:
I’ve never flown through a full length novel so fast. I absolutely fell in love with the main character, Kira. She was tough and relatable, stubborn to a fault, and took herself very seriously. Then enters American Alex who, while not fitting into her life in anyway, seems to wiggle his way into Kira’s interest.
The bad guy in this story is Kira’s childhood best friend and first love, Rurik. *sigh*. But there is the tiniest spark of his adolescent crush just under the surface of his completely despicable actions.
Emily Bybee’s writing is soooo good. I read this book (book 5 of the Defect Stories) and was left with zero questions as to who I was following, where we were, and why we were there. I don’t know how she did it, but now I am confident I could completely read all of these out of order and be perfectly fine. Bybee wrote such a strong main character that the stakes and drama stayed at such a level, I couldn’t stop turning pages. Lines like, “One of us would die. Here. In the gardens where love once grew.” And for chapters you are left guessing who!
Great read. Five Stars. I plan on getting this whole series.
About the Author:
Emily Bybee grew up in Colorado devouring stories of all kinds and began writing at the age of twelve. She went on to get her degree in Environmental Biology before she picked up the pen again and still has a deep love of science.
Emily is a two time winner of RMFW Colorado Gold Contest. Her debut book, Fractured Magic, is a paranormal romance about a defective witch. It is the first in the six book Unstable Magic series. She is currently working on projects in multiple genres as well as the next book in her series and a few novellas. Feel free to check out her free prequel to the series, Rebel Magic, on Book Funnel.
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